Public Member Functions

Base class for BrokerPlugins implementing different brokering algorithms. More...

#include <arc/compute/BrokerPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for Arc::BrokerPlugin:

Public Member Functions

 BrokerPlugin (BrokerPluginArgument *arg)
 Should never be called directly - instead use BrokerPluginLoader.load().
virtual bool operator() (const ExecutionTarget &lhs, const ExecutionTarget &rhs) const
 Sorting operator - returns true if lhs a better target than rhs.
virtual bool match (const ExecutionTarget &et) const
 Returns true if the target is acceptable for the BrokerPlugin.
virtual void set (const JobDescription &_j) const
 Set the JobDescription to be used for brokering.

Detailed Description

Base class for BrokerPlugins implementing different brokering algorithms.

Sub-classes implement their own version of a brokering algorithm based on certain attributes of the job or targets. match() is called for each ExecutionTarget and sub-classes should in general first call BrokerPlugin::match(), which calls Broker::genericMatch(), to check that basic requirements are satisfied, and then do their own additional checks. In order for the targets to be ranked using operator() the sub-class should store appropriate data about each target during match().

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