ARC SDK Documentation

The ARC Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of tools that allow manipulation of jobs and data in a Grid environment. The SDK is divided into a set of modules which take care of different aspects of Grid interaction.

The version of the SDK that this documentation refers to can be found from ARC_VERSION. The ARC release corresponding to the SDK version can be found using the "SVN tag" column in the table at

Quick Start

The following code is a minimal example showing how to submit a job to a Grid resource using the ARC SDK:

#include <arc/Logger.h>
#include <arc/UserConfig.h>
#include <arc/compute/Endpoint.h>
#include <arc/compute/Job.h>
#include <arc/compute/JobDescription.h>
#include <arc/compute/Submitter.h>
#include <arc/compute/JobInformationStorage.h>
int main() {
// Set up logging to stderr with level VERBOSE (a lot of output will be shown)
Arc::LogStream logcerr(std::cerr);
Arc::Logger logger(Arc::Logger::getRootLogger(), "jobsubmit");
// UserConfig contains information on credentials and default services to use.
// This form of the constructor is necessary to initialise the local job list.
Arc::UserConfig usercfg("", "");
// Simple job description which outputs hostname to stdout
std::string jobdesc("&(executable=/bin/hostname)(stdout=stdout)");
// Parse job description
std::list<Arc::JobDescription> jobdescs;
if (!Arc::JobDescription::Parse(jobdesc, jobdescs)) {
logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Invalid job description");
return 1;
// Use top-level NorduGrid information index to find resources
Arc::Endpoint index("ldap://,o=grid",
std::list<Arc::Endpoint> services(1, index);
// Do the submission
std::list<Arc::Job> jobs;
Arc::Submitter submitter(usercfg);
if (submitter.BrokeredSubmit(services, jobdescs, jobs) != Arc::SubmissionStatus::NONE) {
logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Failed to submit job");
return 1;
// Write information on submitted job to local job list (~/.arc/jobs.xml)
if (!jobList.Write(jobs)) {
logger.msg(Arc::WARNING, "Failed to write to local job list %s", usercfg.JobListFile());
// Job submitted ok
std::cout << "Job submitted with job id " << jobs.front().JobID << std::endl;
return 0;

This code can be compiled with

g++ -o submit -I/usr/include/libxml2 `pkg-config --cflags glibmm-2.4` -l arccompute submit.cpp

And this example shows how to copy a file to or from the Grid:

#include <arc/Logger.h>
#include <arc/URL.h>
#include <arc/UserConfig.h>
#include <arc/data/DataHandle.h>
#include <arc/data/DataMover.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Set up logging to stderr with level VERBOSE (a lot of output will be shown)
Arc::LogStream logcerr(std::cerr);
if (argc != 3) {
logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Usage: copy source destination");
return 1;
// Set up source and destination objects
Arc::UserConfig usercfg;
Arc::URL src_url(argv[1]);
Arc::URL dest_url(argv[2]);
Arc::DataHandle src_handle(src_url, usercfg);
Arc::DataHandle dest_handle(dest_url, usercfg);
// Transfer should be insecure by default (most servers don't support encryption)
// and passive if the client is behind a firewall;
// If caching and URL mapping are not necessary default constructed objects can be used
// Call DataMover to do the transfer
Arc::DataStatus result = mover.Transfer(*src_handle, *dest_handle, cache, map);
if (!result.Passed()) {
logger.msg(Arc::ERROR, "Copy failed: %s", std::string(result));
return 1;
return 0;

This example can be compiled with

g++ -o copy -I/usr/include/libxml2 `pkg-config --cflags glibmm-2.4` -l arcdata copy.cpp