NorduGrid repository information for ARC 6

The NorduGrid ARC packages are available through YUM and APT repositories for several systems. We have release-based repositories that you can follow. This will keep your install to a particular release of NorduGrid ARC with only minor and bug-fixing updates. You can also choose to follow the repository “latest” which will always point to the latest stable release. For each distribution there are 3 channels (repositories) available:

  • base - Base packages (mandatory)

  • updates - Updates to the base release (strongly recommended)

  • testing - Packages almost ready to go into the updates repository (optional). The alpha, beta and release candidate releases can be found here.

Repository security

The NorduGrid RPM packages and DEB repositories are signed, and in order for the repository tools APT and YUM to verify them you must install the NorduGrid GPG key:

For rpm based distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora:

[root ~]# rpm --import

For Ubuntu distributions with sudo:

[user ~]$ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

For Debian without sudo:

[root ~]# wget -q -O- | apt-key add -

Repository configuration - Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The NorduGrid ARC repositories for RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS packaging utility yum or dnf can be configured through:


The repository configuration can be set up automatically by means of installing nordugrid-release package or creating the configuration file manually.

Install nordugrid-release package with YUM/DNF

The easiest way to configure YUM/DNF to use the NorduGrid repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and similar distributions is to install the nordugrid-release package which can be found in the NorduGrid package repository for the appropriate RHEL/EPEL release.

Example packages are shown below for x86_64 architectures, they also exist for i386 when applicable. In that case exchange the x86_64 in the links below with i386.

Rocky Linux: 9 8

CentOS Linux: EL7 EL6

CentOS Stream: 9 8

Fedora: 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

Install with yum (CentOS Linux 6+7) or dnf (Fedora, CentOS Stream, Rocky Linux, CentOS Linux 8), here shown for CentOS Linux:

[root ~]# yum install <rhel-repo link>

This creates the appropriate repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/.

Manual YUM repository setup - NorduGrid repository

For manual YUM repository setup, create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/nordugrid.repo with the following contents (here using CentOS as example, if you are on Fedora, replace centos with fedora)

If you are installing an alpha, beta or release candiate, please set the nordugrid-testing to enabled=1.

name=NorduGrid - $basearch - base

name=NorduGrid - $basearch - updates

name=NorduGrid - $basearch - testing

Check if it works running yum (or dnf), e.g.:

[root ~]# yum makecache

Install required packages

The NorduGrid repositories for RedHat Enterprise Linux/CentOS depends on the EPEL Repositories which must also be part of the YUM configuration:

For RHEL7 flavour:

yum install -y epel-release

For RHEL8 flavour:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools

For RHEL9 flavour:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

Once the NorduGrid repositories are configured, install the packages with:

[root~]#  yum install <list of package names>

If you are installing an alpha, beta or release candiate, you must install by enabling the nordugrid-testing repo.

[root~]#  yum install --enablerepo nordugrid-testing <list-of-packages>

Are you on recent version of Fedora, use dnf instead of yum.

Please refer to the ARC Computing Element Installation and Configuration Guide for package selection and configuration.

Repository configuration - Debian and Ubuntu

The NorduGrid ARC repositories for Debian and Ubuntu packaging utility APT can be configured through:


or when supported through a repo specific file:


The configurations for the varios APT based distributions can be found in the following sections. To enable a specific repository, remove the “#” from the beginning of the line, before the “deb” as shown for the Base Channel.

The repository configuration can be set up automatically by means of installing nordugrid-release package or creating the configuration file manually.

Install nordugrid-release package for Debian/Ubuntu through dpkg

The examples below give you the link for most recent Debian/Ubuntu releases. Packages are shown below for amd64 architecture. Replace amd64 for i386 if required for your architecture.

Debian: 12 11 10 9 8 7

Ubuntu: 24.04 23.10 23.04 22.10 22.04 21.10 21.04 20.10 20.04 19.10 19.04 18.10 18.04 17.10 17.04 16.10 16.04 15.10 15.04 14.10 14.04

Install the source file with dpkg, example shown for Debian 10:

[root ~]# wget -q
[root ~]# dpkg -i nordugrid-release_6.2~bpo10+1_all.deb

For a different version of Debian or Ubuntu, change the version names appropriately.

Manual APT repository setup - NorduGrid repository

For manual APT repository setup for Debian, the APT sources file should contain the following (here shown for Debian 10 buster):

# Base channel - must be enabled
deb buster main
deb-src buster main

# Updates to the base release - should be enabled
deb buster-updates main
deb-src buster-updates main

# Scheduled package updates - optional
#deb buster-experimental main
#deb-src buster-experimental main

For manual APT repository setup for Ubuntu, the APT sources file should contain the following (here shown for Ubuntu 20.04 focal):

# Base channel - must be enabled
deb focal main
deb-src focal main

# Updates to the base release - should be enabled
deb focal-updates main
deb-src focal-updates main

# Scheduled package updates - optional
#deb focal-experimental main
#deb-src focal-experimental main

For a different release version, change the version name accordingly.

For Debian:

  • 12: bookworm

  • 11: bullseye

  • 10: buster

  • 9: stretch

  • 8: jessie

  • 7: wheezy

For Ubuntu:

  • 24.04: noble

  • 23.10: mantic

  • 23.04: lunar

  • 22.10: kinetic

  • 22.04: jammy

  • 21.10: impish

  • 21.04: hirsute

  • 20.10: groovy

  • 20.04: focal

  • 19.10: eoan

  • 19.04: disco

  • 18.10: cosmic

  • 18.04: bionic

  • 17.10: artful

  • 17.04: zesty

  • 16.10: yakkety

  • 16.04: xenial

  • 15.10: wily

  • 15.04: vivid

  • 14.10: utopic

  • 14.04: trusty

  • 13.10: saucy

  • 13.04: raring

  • 12.10: quantal

  • 12.04: precise

Install required packages

Run the following command to update the packages database:

[root~]# apt-get update

Install the packages with (showing example for nordugrid-arc-arex):

[root~]# apt-get <list-of-packages>

Please refer to the ARC Computing Element Installation and Configuration Guide for package selection and configuration.