# Out-of-the-box MINIMAL configuration example for a standalone ARC Computing # Element (ARC CE). Consult the arc.conf.reference for other configuration # options and detailed explanations. # REQUIREMENTS: valid host certificate and authentication config, a proper # grid-mapfile (see [common] block config values). # Uncomment and customize the registration block for connecting the CE # to a grid (registering to an EGIIS). # You can "start the CE" with the gridftpd, a-rex, nordugrid-arc-slapd and # nordugrid-arc-bdii startup scripts. # WARNING: logrotation will NOT work with this template. # Currenlty, logrotation only works if log files are place in the default # location /var/log/arc/. # To enable default locations, simply comment out all configuration options # for logfiles location, ie: # #logfile="/tmp/grid-manager.log" [common] # If hostname -f does not return FQDN, uncomment and customize the following. #hostname="thishost.thisdomain.eu" x509_user_key="/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem" x509_user_cert="/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem" x509_cert_dir="/etc/grid-security/certificates" gridmap="/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile" lrms="fork" [grid-manager] user="root" controldir="/tmp/jobstatus" sessiondir="/tmp/grid" debug="3" logfile="/tmp/grid-manager.log" pidfile="/tmp/grid-manager.pid" mail="grid.support@somewhere.org" joblog="/tmp/gm-jobs.log" # gridftp server config [gridftpd] user="root" debug="3" logfile="/tmp/gridftpd.log" pidfile="/tmp/gridftpd.pid" port="2811" allowunknown="no" globus_tcp_port_range="9000,9300" globus_udp_port_range="9000,9300" # job submission interface via gridftp [gridftpd/jobs] path="/jobs" plugin="jobplugin.so" allownew="yes" # openldap server config [infosys] user="root" overwrite_config="yes" port="2135" debug="1" registrationlog="/tmp/inforegistration.log" providerlog="/tmp/infoprovider.log" provider_loglevel="2" # infosys view of the computing cluster (service) [cluster] cluster_alias="MINIMAL Computing Element" comment="This is a minimal out-of-box CE setup" homogeneity="True" architecture="adotf" nodeaccess="inbound" nodeaccess="outbound" # infosys view of the queue behind the computing service, # every CE needs at least one queue [queue/fork] name="fork" homogeneity="True" scheduling_policy="FIFO" comment="This queue is nothing more than a fork host" nodecpu="adotf" architecture="adotf" # Registration ## Uncomment and CUSTOMIZE the registration blocks in order to connect your ## CE to an EGIIS index, then start registration with the nordugrid-arc-inforeg ## startup script. #[infosys/cluster/registration/toPGS1] #targethostname="quark.hep.lu.se" #targetport="2135" #targetsuffix="mds-vo-name=PGS,o=grid" #regperiod="300" ## Uncomment and CUSTOMIZE the registration blocks in order to connect your ## CE to an EMIR registration service #[registration/emir] #emirurls="https://zam052v04.zam.kfa-juelich.de:54321, https://localhost:60002"