program mandel implicit none integer max, res parameter (max=1000, res=255) integer i,j,r,start,stop,red,green,blue,n character*30 dummy character*30 filename integer colour(max,max) real zr(max,max), zi(max,max), cr(max,max) real ci(max,max), zrs(max,max), zis(max,max) read (*,*) dummy, n read (*,*) dummy, filename print *, "calculating the mandelbrot set" print *, "NxN GRID, with N:", n print *, "\n" C initialise zr and zi using forall do j=1,n do i=1,n cr(i,j) = real(i-1)/real(n-1) ci(i,j) = real(j-1)/real(n-1) end do end do C forall (i=1:n, j=1:n) cr(i,j) = real(i-1)/real(n-1) C forall (i=1:n, j=1:n) ci(i,j) = real(j-1)/real(n-1) C initialise other arrays do j=1,n do i=1,n zr(i,j) = cr(i,j) zi(i,j) = ci(i,j) end do end do C zr = cr C zi = ci C zrs = zr*zr C zis = zi*zi C colour = 0 do j=1,n do i=1,n zrs(i,j) = zr(i,j)*zr(i,j) zis(i,j)= zi(i,j)*zi(i,j) colour(i,j) = 0 end do end do C main loop : resolution number of iterations C do r = 0, resolution do j=1,n do i=1,n r=-1 do while ( (zrs(i,j) + zis(i,j)) .le. 4.0 .and. zrs(i,j) = zr(i,j)*zr(i,j) zis(i,j) = zi(i,j)*zi(i,j) zi(i,j) = 2.0*zr(i,j)*zi(i,j) + ci(i,j) zr(i,j) = zrs(i,j) - zis(i,j) + cr(i,j) r=r+1 colour(i,j) = r end do C print *, j,i, "\t", colour(i,j) end do print *, "The ", j, "th row has completed" call sleep(1) end do C end do print *,"The imagemap is being written to: ", filename open(unit=10, file=filename) write(10, fmt='(''P3'',/,i3,2x,i3,/,i3)') n, n, res C some pretty colour map, maybe do i = 1, n do j = 1, n if (colour(i,j) == 255) then red=0; green=0; blue=0 else if( colour(i,j) >= 0 .and. colour(i,j) <= 10 ) then red = colour(i,j) * 25; green = 0; blue = 0 else if( colour(i,j) >= 11 .and. colour(i,j) <= 15 ) then red = 255; green = 0; blue = 0 else red = res; green = res; blue = res; end if write(10,*) red, green, blue end do end do close(unit=10) print *," Mandelbrot is successfully completed" end