ARC Services Relocation Instructions

General remarks

These instructions cover only the binary 'runtime external software' and middleware relocation. It is your task to figure out how to build the software if some of build dependencies are installed in an unusual location.

The info here is relevant only to binary packages downloaded from the NorduGrid download area. NorduGrid offers binary RPMs and binary tarballs. The latter are the gzipped tarballs created by stripping RPM information from RPMs.

NB: Installation by unpacking a binary tarball will normally result in the same installation tree as when installing from an RPM with rpm -ivh ... (without relocation), for all BUT one package: the Globus one. It relies on a post-install script which is executed during Globus RPM install but naturally can not be executed by simple tarball unpacking. This Globus post-install script has to be run manually if you install Globus from the tarball:

~> $GLOBUS_LOCATION/setup/globus-post-install-script $GLOBUS_LOCATION

Relocation can be done, when installing from an RPM, by doing

~> rpm -ivh --relocate <olddir>=<newdir>

or by simple unpacking and moving the directories to the desired new locations.

Relocating a package implies configuration changes: nordugrid.conf, globus.conf and /etc/sysconfig/{nordugrid,globus} files have to be modified accordingly, as they assume default locations!!!

Files nordugrid.conf and globus.conf can be relocated, as explained below. Note that $RELOCATED_PREFIX/etc/nordugrid.conf is checked before /etc/nordugrid.conf, if such exists. Also, you could define the variables NORDUGRID_CONFIG and GLOBUS_CONFIG to point to the actual configuration files.

What follows is package-by-package instructions on relocation.

Quick summary

If you relocate packages or configuration files, you will have to adjust the following environment variables:


In case you did a root installation and installed services startup scripts in /etc/init.d, the variables above must be set in the following two system configuration files:

In /etc/sysconfig/globus:


In /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid:


In case you installed ARC locally, and aim to start the services manually, you do not need the /etc/sysconfig/globus and /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid files; just make sure that the environment variables listed above are set correctly

Also, certain modifications to /etc/nordugrid.conf and /etc/globus.conf must be applied (relocatable themselves, see next section). Details are described below.

Configuration files


The default file is /etc/nordugrid.conf; it can be relocated, and an environment variable NORDUGRID_CONFIG=/new/etc-path/nordugrid.conf must be set in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid. Note that $RELOCATED_PREFIX/etc/nordugrid.conf is checked before /etc/nordugrid.conf, if such exists.


The default file is /etc/globus.conf; it can be relocated, and an environment variable GLOBUS_CONFIG=/new/etc-path/globus.conf must be set in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/globus.


(only needed if you installed the nordugrid-gridmap-utils package)

Default is /etc/grid-security/nordugridmap.conf; it can be relocated, and the cron.d entry has to be edited manually (see bug #325)


(only needed if you installed the nordugrid-gridmap-utils package)

This file is formatted according to the format described in crontab(5).

If /opt/nordugrid is relocated, this file should be modified accordingly.


(only needed if you installed the nordugrid-ca-utils package)

This file is formatted according to the format described in crontab(5).

If /opt/nordugrid is relocated, this file should be modified accordingly.

External software (runtime dependency)


GPT installs into two directories:


Both can be relocated. Relocating /opt/gpt requires the GPT_LOCATION=/new/gpt-path environment variable to be set, e.g., in /etc/sysconfig/globus. Relocation of the GPT profile files from /etc/profile.d/ is transparent and needs no adjustments.


Globus installs into a single diretory:


which is relocatable. Moving Globus to a new directory requires the GLOBUS_LOCATION=/new/globus-path environment variable to be set in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/globus.


Note: not needed for newer ARC tags

globus-config installs into three directories:


ARC does not use anything from /opt/globus, hence it can be relocated anywhere or even completely removed. The profile files in /etc/profile.d/ (relocatable) are not used by ARC either (the ARC profile files take care of the settings instead). The /etc/rc.d/init.d/ is relocatable. GRID_FUNCTIONS=/new/gridfunctions-path environment variable has to be set in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/globus, if the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ is relocated.


VOMS installs into a single root path /opt/voms, which is relocatable. Set the VOMS_LOCATION=/new/voms-path environment variable in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid if VOMS is relocated.


libxml is a standard package of any Linux distribution, and does not need any special treatment in the ARC.

ARC binary packages


The server installs into two directories:


Relocating /opt/nordugrid requires the specification of NORDUGRID_LOCATION=/new/nordugrid-path in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid. Modify the 'pluginpath' in the [gridftpd] block of /etc/nordugrid.conf as well (the default value is OK). The 'provider_path' of the [mds] block in /etc/globus.conf needs to be checked too. Relocating the startup scripts from the /etc/init.d/ requires the setting of GRID_FUNCTIONS=/new/gridfunctions-path in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/globus. There is an open issue with the infoprovider scripts (NORDUGRID_LOCATION from the /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid is not propagated to them by the globus-mds script, bug #117), a workaround is to manually export the NORDUGRID_LOCATION before starting up the globus-mds.


The devel package installs under


Relocation requires the NORDUGRID_LOCATION=/new/nordugrid-path to be set in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid.


The client files are installed under


The /opt/nordugrid is relocatable, don't forget to set the NORDUGRID_LOCATION=/new/nordugrid-path in, e.g., /etc/sysconfig/nordugrid. The profile files from /etc/profile.d can be relocated as well.


Extra documentation is installed under


It can be transparently moved anywhere.


Relocation of the CRL utilities from /opt/nordugrid/ has some problems, see bug #323


Relocation of the nordugridmap script (grid-mapfile generator) has some problems, see bug #325