NorduGrid FAQ

1 Getting started with NorduGrid's ARC software.

1.1 What is ARC? Is it different from NorduGrid?
1.2 Where do I get the software?
1.3 What should I install?
1.4 How do I access the code repository?
1.5 Is the standalone client really standalone?

2 Certificates

2.1 What is a certificate?
2.2 How do I get a user certificate?
2.3 How do I generate a NorduGrid user certificate request?
2.4 How can I update the NorduGrid CA credentials?
2.5 How do I generate a non-NorduGrid user certificate request?
2.6 Why grid-cert-request crashes?
2.7 The subject of my NorduGrid user certificate request does not contain a Email=<my-email> field?
2.8 How do I generate a host certificate request?

3 Authorization and authentication

3.1 Why does my server/client report authentication failure?

4 Virtual Organizations (VO)

4.1 What is a Virtual Organization (VO)?
4.2 How do I become a member of a Virtual Organization?
4.3 Why voms-proxy-init fails saying "VOMS Server for atlas not known!"?

5 Submitting jobs

5.1 How do I pre-install my favorite software on the clusters?
5.2 I see some sites have my favorite software installed; how do I tell my jobs to use it?
5.3 I try to submit a job but every time it says "no cluster found".
5.4 Why does ngsub complain that my xrsl could not be parsed?

6 Server Setup

6.1 Is NFS required to setup a NorduGrid cluster?
6.2 Can the cache directory be located on some remote computer and imported over NFS?

7 Gridftp server (gridftpd)

7.1 Why does my gridftpd have closed connection?

8 Information System

8.1 What is a GIIS?
8.2 Should I run a GIIS?
8.3 My cluster does not appear on the Grid monitor?
8.4 The monitor in debug mode says that my resource is PURGED, what does it mean?

1 Getting started with NorduGrid's ARC software.

1.1 What is ARC? Is it different from NorduGrid?

ARC stands for "Advanced Resource Connector" and is a Grid software
developed by the NorduGrid collaboration. Except of developing ARC,
the collaboration deals with such other things as the cross-Nordic
Certificate Authority, coordination of usage of some Nordic computing
resources, user support etc. NorduGrid is the name for the
collaboration, and ARC is the software, so yes, there is a difference.

1.2 Where do I get the software?

There are several ways to download ARC: directly from the ftp/http
server, via apt/yum repositories, or as a source from the code

Please follow the instructions in the download area linked from the
NorduGrid web page:

1.3 What should I install?

If you are an ordinary user, you can install either the client package
together with the latest versions of globus and gpt. Or you could install
the nordugrid-arc-standalone package which contains all you need as a user.

For detailed information, consult the NorduGrid User Guide or the client
installation instructions at

If you want to install a new site, consult the NorduGrid server-install

1.4 How do I access the code repository?

The code repository details are available at

There is an option to download the tarball of the repository,
if you wish to get the whole code.

Write-access to the repository is only available via https; for more
information, consult

1.5 Is the standalone client really standalone?

No, the standalone client expects certain non-grid specific system
libraries and tools to be installed at your computer. Most notably, it
needs a Linux distribution with the following libraries and utilities:

  glibc, bash, perl, libxml2, libltdl, libtool, autoconf, openssl

2 Certificates

2.1 What is a certificate?

A certificate is nothing more than an electronic passport. It contains
information about your name and other details, e.g., your e-mail
address or location. Contents of the certificate is determined by the
rules set up by your national certificating authority (CA), which
issues certificates. Having a certificate does not authorize you to
use any resources on the Grid or elsewhere, it only identifies that
you are who you claim to be. It is used to establish contact between
you and another service, so that instead of typing your name, you
simply present your certificate. A service may reject it, if it is not
in its list of acceptable certificates.

The system is analogous to that of passports and national borders: for
example, if you want to travel to USA, your country must be in the
list of accepted ones, if you want to use your passport; otherwise you
have to request a visa (which can be rejected). With computing
resources, if you want to submit a job to a cluster, your CA must be
in the list of those accepted by the cluster, and your certificate
subject line must be in the list of accepted users on that cluster. To
achieve it, you have to either contact each cluster owner upon receiving
the certificate, or join a Virtual Organization, where manager can do
it for you.

2.2 How do I get a user certificate?

First you need to generate a certificate request (see 2.3). This should
be sent to your Certificate Authority (CA), for Nordic countries (Denmark,
Finland, Norway, Iceland or Sweden) residents it is If the
request is correct, the Certificate Authority will sign your request and
send your certificate back to you.

2.3 How do I generate a NorduGrid user certificate request?

Generate NorduGrid certificate request if you are a resident in a
Nordic country (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland or Sweden). Assuming
your site administrator have already installed the nordugrid-arc-client 
software or you are working with the nordugrid-arc-standalone-client, it is
very easy. Just type:

  grid-cert-request -int

and answer the questions. Please note that some of the fields are not supposed
to be changed. The grid-cert-request program will generate a certificate
request for that should be sent to Before sending please
verify that the subject of your certificate request has the form

  /O=Grid/O=NorduGrid/OU=<your organization>/CN=<your name>/Email=<your email>

and does not contain non-ASCII characters (e.g., national accented
letters in Unicode, non-latin letters etc). If these criteria are not
satisfied, please rerun the grid-cert-request command.

Note that you cannot use the grid-cert-request command to request the
NorduGrid certificate without the -int flag, as it causes failure.

2.4 How can I update the NorduGrid CA credentials?

The NorduGrid Certificate Authority (like any other such authority)
has credentials that have a limited lifetime. Once in a while they
have to be renewed and updated everywhere: on client machines, in Web
browsers, on Grid servers, on Web servers etc. Users' and host
certificates can not be valid longer than the CA credentials, and
hence all have to be updated as well. The steps are the following:

1. Get the latest public certificates at (section 
   "The NorduGrid CA public certificate"). 
  -- Note: normally, the entire package is also available via NorduGrid 
     downloads area (look for IGTF, 
     ca_NorduGrid) and yum repositories, and via IGTF site
2. Install these public CA certificates in /etc/grid-security/certificates, 
   and/or in /your-standalone-path/etc/certificates, and in your browser 
   and mailer (eventually you will have to remove the old, expired NorduGrid
   CA certificates).
3. If you are a Grid site owner, you may need to restart grid services (esp.
   the Web-services) in order to load the new certificates.
4. You must request new user and/or host certificates now, see section 2.3

2.5 How do I generate a non-NorduGrid user certificate request?

If you are not a resident in a Nordic country (Denmark, Finland,
Norway, Iceland or Sweden), you must ask your local certificating
authority (CA) about the procedure. NorduGrid client installation has only
necessary utilities, but is not distributed with all the national CA
configuration files. Obtain from your CA the files


(here xxxxxxxx depends on your national CA identity)

and store them in the proper directory:




if you have installed a standalone client.

After doing this, type

  grid-cert-request -int -ca

and answer the questions. Please note that some of the fields are not supposed
to be changed. The grid-cert-request program will generate a certificate
request for that should be sent to your CA by e-mail.

2.6 Why grid-cert-request crashes?

Most likely, you ran it without -int option. To request NorduGrid
certificate, always execute

  grid-cert-request -int

The reason is that NorduGrid certificates require e-mail field, while
the Globus grid-cert-request utility by default only asks
interactively for your names, and neither can ask for e-mail or guess it.

2.7 The subject of my NorduGrid user certificate request does not contain a Email=<my-email> field?

If you are using the nordugrid-arc-standalone package, please upgrade to
the latest nordugrid-arc-standalone package.

If not, it is probably because your site administrator has forgotten to
install the NorduGrid certrequest package. Please ask him to do it. 

The package can be found at:

2.8 How do I generate a host certificate request?


  grid-cert-request -host <hostname> -dir `pwd`

This will generate a host-certificate-request in the current directory.

3 Authorization and authentication

3.1 Why does my server/client report authentication failure?

There can be many reasons for this; as a rule of thumb check that:

1. Client has access to user's Certification Authority (CA) public
   certificates and server CA certificates

2. Server must have access to own CA certificates and user CA

3. Permission and ownership of certificate and keys must be right
   (private keys readable only by the owner, public keys readable
   by all the relevant services)

4. Take special care when you are running an ARC service as non-root. 
   Make sure that the certificate files have the right permissions 
   and are owned not by root, but by the user specified by the "user"
   configuration parameter in the corresponding [gridftpd], [httpsd]
   blocks of arc.conf.

5. DNS reverse lookup on host must match

6. CRLs on the server must be up-to-date

7. Avoid running client commands from the root account on the same box
   that has the server installed: this may mix the order in which
   the certificates (user and host) are read

8. If all of the above is OK, suspect corruption of either user or
   host public certificate (or even both). Corruption is known to
   occasionally take place during public certificate transfers over the

4 Virtual Organizations (VO)

4.1 What is a Virtual Organization (VO)?

A Virtual Organization (VO) is basically a group of people that are
authorized to run Grid jobs on a set of Grid resources. For example, a
research project members can join in a VO, so that they can negotiate
access to Grid resources, policies etc. Typically, a VO has a manager
which maintains the list of members and contacts resource owners
whenever a negotiation is needed, for example, if a new user has a
certificate issued by a new CA, or CA public keys have changed. VO
managers are normally in charge of negotiating resources available for
the VO members. Each site on the Grid can subscribe to different VO's
allowing all their members to run grid jobs on the corresponding site.

NorduGrid maintains a VO for users affiliated with Nordic academic
institutions (VO name is Few VOs are set up for
the purposes of testing and demonstrations. Many other VOs are
authorized on the ARC-enabled resources, but they are managed
outside the scope of the NorduGrid.

You can always create your own VO and negotiate access to Grid
resources with resource owners personally. NorduGrid does not assist
in such negotiations.

4.2 How do I become a member of a Virtual Organization?

You must read and accept Accepted Usage Policies, and submit a request
via the respective VO management interface.

For more details, please consult

(follow the "Users and VOs" tab on the NorduGrid home page).

4.3 Why voms-proxy-init fails saying "VOMS Server for atlas not known!"?

You miss the definition of the VOMS server details for your VO (atlas
in this example). The simplest way is to add the necessary information
to the file


In case you use a gLite UI client, this file may be found in $HOME/.edg/vomses

Consult your respective VO managers (follow "Configuration" link at
most VOMS Web interfaces) to know what are your VO's VOMS server

Examples of valid entries for the vomses file are:

"alice" "" "15000" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/" "alice"
"cms" "" "15002" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/" "cms"
"atlas" "" "15001" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/" "atlas"
"" "" "15050" "/O=dutchgrid/O=hosts/" ""
"pamela" "" "15013" "/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/" "pamela"

5 Submitting jobs

5.1 How do I pre-install my favorite software on the clusters?

Some software is already pre-installed. The procedure of installing
and advertising the software on the Grid is referred to as "creating
runtime environment". Most of the environments enabled across
NorduGrid sites and their partners is described at

A simple list of installed runtime environments can be retrieved with
the help of the Monitor at

by either using the "Search" interface (select cluster, runtime
environment), or by clicking any cluster name and then on the "Runtime
environment" link.

In case you don't find your favorite software in these lists, you'll
have to negotiate with the resource owners. If your work is a part of
a national or a regional Grid project, please contact your respective
project coordinators. NorduGrid can not force resource owners to
install your favorite software, but if you are desperate, e-mail the
NorduGrid support and we can try to help you.

5.2 I see some sites have my favorite software installed; how do I tell my jobs to use it?

Use the runtimeenvironment attribute in your job description (.xrsl) file.
For example, the line


will make your client submitting the jobs only to those sites that have
this particular software version installed, and will instruct the
remote site to set up all the necessary pathes and environment
variables needed by this software.

Please read the xRSL manual and the User Guide for more info on this attribute.

5.3 I try to submit a job but every time it says "no cluster found".

There could be several reasons for this. Try to submit the job again
with debug information switched on

  ngsub -d 2 -f <your xrslfile>

For each cluster, you can now see the reasons why your job was rejected.
Please modify your xrsl-file according to this information. For example,
if you see the message for all clusters:

  Queue rejected because it does not match the XRSL specification (disk)

it is probably because you have requested too much disk(space) for the job.

If all clusters report that you are not authorized to run there, it is
probably because, you are not yet a member of VO (virtual
organization). Please jump to section 4.2. 

If you see plenty of messages 

  Server unexpectedly closed connection

it most likely means your clock is out of sync. Make sure your workstation
has clock properly synchronised, re-create the proxy, and try
again. If it does not help, check Section 3 on authentication problems.

5.4 Why does ngsub complain that my xrsl could not be parsed?

You have made a mistake in your xrsl-specification and the xrsl-parser
in ngsub thus does not know what you want to do. Please consult the
xRSL manual or the User Guide for the xrsl-notation.

6 Server Setup

6.1 Is NFS required to setup a NorduGrid cluster?

Short answer: Yes, at the moment a shared disk area among the front
end and the nodes is required.

Long answer: The preferred installation (see Server side installation
instructions) assumes that some disks (the grid area, the cache
directory and the runtimeenvironment scripts) are NFS mounted on both
the frontend and the nodes. Not having NFS results in losing
functionality like the cache or the RuntimeEnvironments, furthermore
the job submission backend of the Grid Manager needs to be modified.

6.2 Can the cache directory be located on some remote computer and imported over NFS?

In general the cache directory can be split into two subdirectories, a
'control' and a 'data' subdirectory. Due to some problems with file 
locking feature of NFS, it is strongly recommended that the 'control' 
subdirectory is placed at a local file system. 'data' subdirectory can 
be imported over NFS. To do that you can point "cachedata" variable in
arc.conf to a directory that is NFS mounted and "cachedir" variable to
the directory from a local file system.

7 Gridftp server (gridftpd)

7.1 Why does my gridftpd have closed connection?

There could be several reasons for this. Try to connect to the server
and look for a hint in the log-file, /var/log/gridftpd.log.

If the gridftp process somehow was started as non-root, it cannot read
the host-certificates that are owned by root. Another thing is to check
that the host-certificates have the right file-permissions. The private key
should be readable by root only and neither should have executable
permissions. The problem could also arise from an outdated CRL.

8 Information System

8.1 What is a GIIS?

In our settings the Grid Index Information Service (GIIS) is an LDAP 
database backend which is used as a collection of 
links, it maintains a list of contact strings of local information 
databases (GRIS).  The list (or index) of GRISes can be queried through
an LDAP interface. 

8.2 Should I run a GIIS?

Probably not. You should only run a GIIS if you coordinate resources. At the
moment the only coordination of resources is done on the country level and
several GIIS's already exists. See the following section for a list of
currently running GIIS's.

8.3 My cluster does not appear on the Grid monitor?

There could be several reasons for this. Assuming you have a valid host
certificate you problem could be:

- globus-mds was not started properly

You need to start the globus-mds service. If your configuration is correct
this results in a grid-info-soft-register process which periodically will
start and ldapadd process.

- You do not register to a GIIS.

Here is a cluster registration unit appropriate for registering Danish
clusters to the Grid:

regperiod=30       # Try to register every 30 second

The list of country GIIS's can be found at:

Note that you can do multiple registrations (eg. to several country GIIS's)
by having more than one section of the above type. Note however that the
section label should be different. Examples:



- You are not authorized to connect to a higher level GIIS. This could be a
country GIIS or organization GIIS. The current GIIS hierarchy is:

Cluster -> Country -> Top level

To get your cluster or storage element authorized please contact the
appropriate GIIS administrator, see

- Your cluster is badly misconfigured. Try to run the Monitor in the debug mode 
to discover possible problems:

-The machine's clock is not synchronized and badly off-time. Consider synchronizing your
clock and using ntp.

-Your machine is behind a firewall that blocks access from the monitor client.
 Ask NorduGrid support what is the current IP address of the monitor client.

8.4 The monitor in debug mode says that my resource is PURGED, what does it mean?

The PURGED registration status of the resource to an index means that your
resource is not registering any longer or the registration information is lost
due to improperly set timeouts or local clock. You should check the GIIS
registration block of the globus.conf file and synchronize your clock.