NorduGrid Note



Bookkeeping Service

Oxana Smirnova*

A proposal for a bookkeeping and provenance history service.

  1. Definitions


    NorduGrid User Interface


    NorduGrid Grid Manager

    Bookkeeping database

    Any database server capable of keeping the data and supporting GSI authorization

    User SN

    Subject Name of a user's certificate


    Virtual Organisation

  2. Functionality

There should be a database, with GSI-based authentication and authorisation, and it should be as redundant as MDS, i.e., based on more than one server. Known candidates are OpenLDAP and MySQL.

Information into such a database should be written by the UI and the GM, in a following manner:

  1. UI, after each job submission, writes:

  1. GM, while job proceeds, writes:

  1. UI, upon job retrieval or clean-up, writes:

  1. GM, upon deletion of non-retrieved job, writes: