# Out-of-the-box MINIMAL configuration example for a standalone Enhanced Grid # Information Index Service (EGIIS) of ARC. Consult the arc.conf.reference for # other configuration options and detailed explanations. # Uncomment and customize the registration block for connecting the EGIIS to # higher level EGIISes. # You can "start the EGIIS" with the nordugrid-arc-slapd and # nordugrid-arc-egiis startup scripts. # WARNING: logrotation will NOT work with this template. # Currenlty, logrotation only works if log files are place in the default # location /var/log/arc/. # To enable default locations, simply comment out all configuration options # for logfiles location, ie: # #logfile="/tmp/inforegistration.log" # openldap server config [infosys] user="root" overwrite_config="yes" port="2135" debug="3" registrationlog="/tmp/inforegistration.log" [infosys/index/TESTEGIIS] name="TESTEGIIS" #allowreg="*:2135/Mds-vo-Name=*,o=Grid" allowreg="*" ## Uncomment and CUSTOMIZE the registration blocks in order to connect your ## EGIIS to a grid (via a higher level EGIIS). Multiple registration blocks are ## possible. ## On another machine only this section need to be modified. (the cluster part ## of the configuration contains the following) #[infosys/index/TESTEGIIS/registration/to_top1] #targethostname="index.myinstitute.org" #targetport="2135" #targetsuffix="mds-vo-name=UpperIndex,o=grid" #regperiod="300"