Release Notes for NorduGrid ARC 6.7

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July 2, 2020

Highlights in this release

This release comes with a handful of nice smaller enhancements and bugfixes.

Ubuntu deployment issues recently discovered are now fixed (Bugzilla #3933), and we have added the possibility of read-only caches (Bugzilla #3924).

The useful arcctl tool has been extended with datastaging information functionality. A first implementation is now released, and more additions are expected in coming releases. (Bugzilla #3906)

For ARC stability, several improvements have been made to avoid unexpected errors related to datadelivery causing ARC crashes. The crashes have only been seen in the emi-es interface. (Bugzilla #3925)

Note about Centos8 and openldap server

In Centos8 the openldap server is not installable because slapd is not available in the RHEL8 release (Bugzilla #3944). As a consequence, the LDAP-based server-side information system interface of the ARC-CE will not be available either. If interaction with the ARC-CE relies on LDAP-based information schemas (glue1.3 or nordugrid schema), then we recommend that you stay with Centos7 for the time being.

We expect to provide a workaround for future releases.

The following Bugzilla tickets have been adressed or solved


The ARC 6 documentation can be found at this location.

If you miss something or have questions, please contact us!

Installing ARC 6

We recommend to install ARC release using the Nordugrid repository.

Note that if you instead install from EPEL for RHEL7 compatible systems, the ARC 6 packages can be found as nordugrid-arc6-* and not nordugrid-arc-*. This was needed in order to supply both ARC 5 already available for RHEL7 and the new ARC 6.

We provide binary builds for all supported versions of:

In addition we build nightly packages for older platforms.

Future Support of ARC 5-series

As of June 2020 no more security updates are provided to ARC 5. Also since the release of ARC 6 in June 2019, no more development on the ARC 5 code base has been provided.

Production Sites already running ARC 5 will still get operational site support in form of deployment and configuration troubleshooting help via GGUS until end June 2021. However, we may recommend upgrading to ARC 6 depending on the issues the site is facing.

ARC5 is available in EPEL7 and will stay there. EPEL8 will only contain ARC 6. To install ARC 6 from EPEL7 the package-names are of type: nordugrid-arc6-*

Getting in touch

If you need help with the configuration file or have any other questions related to ARC 6, please contact us via

Previous releases

Details of previous releases can be found at the ARC Releases page

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