Release Announcement for NorduGrid ARC 15.03

March 27, 2015

The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware is an Open Source software solution to enable distributed computing infrastructures with the emphasis on processing large volumes of data. ARC provides an abstraction layer over computational resources, complete with input and output data movement functionalities. The security model of ARC is identical to that of Grid solutions, relying on delegation of user credentials and the concept of Virtual Organisations. ARC also provides client tools, as well as API in C++, Python and Java.

ARC 15.03 is a major release of ARC, including the following component upgrades:

CAnL C++ v1.0.1, gangliarc v1.0.0 and metapackages v1.0.7 are unchanged.

ARC development is coordinated by the NorduGrid Collaboration. The previous production ARC release, version 13.11u2, was released on August 14, 2014.

Upgrade and deployment notes

Upgrade is straightforward when standard Linux repositories are used, however please take note of configuration changes below. An automatic update is not recommended for this new major release. When using NorduGrid repositories, please switch to the 15.03 channel. Services (A-REX, GridFTPd and information system) will restart automatically upon package upgrade. Should they not restart, or when upgrade is done from source, manual restart is needed as per documentation.

For a first installation (from scratch), use of metapackages is recommended. Please consult ARC server and client deployment documentation.

Known issues are described later in this document.

Deployment notes

Backwards incompatible changes

New features highlights

ARC components: detailed new features and deployment notes

ARC components in release 15.03 are:

ARC Server and core components


Information system

ARC Clients

Nagios plugins

Common authentication library CaNL++

Fixed bugs:

Since ARC 13.11 update 2, the following bugs were fully fixed:

Packaging changes

No major packaging changes have taken place.

Configuration changes

API changes

API changes from libraries version 4.2.0 to 5.0.0 are documented in NorduGrid Wiki.

Known issues



ARC release 15.03 consists of the following source packages:

Source code for main components is available from:

Documentation source (mostly LaTeX) is available from:

Source for metapackages is available from:{fedora,debian}/nordugrid-arc-meta/tags/1.0.7

Source for Nagios probes is available from:

Source for the common authentication library caNl++ is available from:

Source for gangliarc is available from::


See detailed description at NorduGrid downloads

These repositories provide binary packages for:

Scientific Linux and CentOS are implicitly supported through corresponding RedHat repositories.

NorduGrid homepage