ARC v12.05 update 3 Release Notes

April 25, 2013

This is a bug fix release, addressing three important bugs: 3151, 3159 and 3160.

NorduGrid ARC 12.05 update 2 has received an update to:

Nagios plugins,CAnL C++, metapackages, old cliets and GUI are unchanged w.r.t. ARC 12.05 update 2.

ARC components in 12.05 update 3:

ARC Core

No changes

ARC Clients

No changes

ARC Compute Element

Fixed bugs 3159 and 3160

ARC Information System

No changes

ARC gridftp server

Fixed bug 3151

Common authentication library CaNL++

No changes

Nagios plugins

No changes

Fixed bugs

Since ARC 12.05u2, the following bugs were fixed:

Known issues



ARC release 12.05 update 3 consists of the following source packages:

Source code for main components is available from:

Source for the compatibility package (old client) is available from:

Documentation source (mostly LaTeX) is available from:

Source for metapackages is available from:{fedora,debian}/nordugrid-arc-meta/tags/1.0.2

Source for Nagios probes is available from:

Source for the common authentication library caNl++ is available from:


See detailed description at NorduGrid downloads

These repositories provide binary packages for:

Scientific Linux and CentOS are implicitly supported through corresponding RedHat repositories.

Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X versions are available from same repositories for clients and some services.

NorduGrid homepage