ARC v12.05 update 2 Release Notes

April 18, 2013

This is a bug fix release, addressing several critical bugs. The update includes improved JURA reporting to APEL and significantly improved Nagios probes. Authorship and license information is cleaned-up and synchronised across different components.

EMI-ES implementation is disabled in this release, and those wishing to use EMI-ES are advised to upgrade to ARC 13.02.

GLUE2 implementation is experimental in this release. Those willing to use it in production MUST upgrade to ARC 13.02.

NorduGrid ARC 12.05 has received an update to:

CAnL C++ and metapackages are unchanged; old client tools (ng*) and GUI are re-built with new libraries.

ARC components in 12.05 update 2:

ARC Core

The DataDelivery Service can now run without a host certificate - see NorduGrid Wiki for more details.

Numerous small enhancements and fixes in the Core libraries, see the list of fixed bugs below.

ARC Clients

Few bug fixes, see the list of fixed bugs below.

ARC Compute Element

The configuration option enable_emies_interface is no longer available in this release. The EMI-ES implementation in this release is incomplete and for this update it was decided to disable it completely. If this option is present in arc.conf it must be removed or A-REX will fail to start. In order to use EMI-ES, please upgrade to ARC 13.02.

Numerous bugs are fixed in A-REX and batch back-ends, including several critical ones, see the list of fixed bugs below.

JURA reporting to APEL has significantly improved.

ARC Information System

Numerous bug fixes (see the list below) and improvements in error messages.

ARC gridftp server

Code clean-up and improvements; correct implementation of voms_trust_chain.

Common authentication library CaNL++

No changes.

Nagios plugins

Nagios plugins have been significantly improved. Please consult release notes for ARC 13.02 for details about changes between v1.3.11 and v1.5. Changes between v1.5 and v1.6 are:

Fixed bugs

Since ARC 12.05u1, the following bugs were fully or partially fixed:

GGUS tickets solved:

Known issues



ARC release 12.05 update 2 consists of the following source packages:

Source code for main components is available from:

Source for the compatibility package (old client) is available from:

Documentation source (mostly LaTeX) is available from:

Source for metapackages is available from:{fedora,debian}/nordugrid-arc-meta/tags/1.0.2

Source for Nagios probes is available from:

Source for the common authentication library caNl++ is available from:


See detailed description at NorduGrid downloads

These repositories provide binary packages for:

Scientific Linux and CentOS are implicitly supported through corresponding RedHat repositories.

Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X versions are available from same repositories for clients and some services.

NorduGrid homepage