
  1. Introduction
  2. Getting it to run
  3. Operating ATLAS production
  4. Advanced details: Interaction with Windmill
  5. Appendix: Useful Windmill tips


Dulcinea is one of the executors of the ATLAS Production System, designed to receive tasks from the Windmill supervisor, translate them in a manner suitable for the NorduGrid ARC job-submission, submit the corresponding jobs to ARC-enabled resources, and perform other interactions with this Grid system.

Like other executors, Dulcinea communicates with the Windmill via XML messages.

Dulcinea is a largely self-contained service, e.g., not using other ATLAS Production System tools, such as Don Quijote – the ATLAS Data Management System. This is because the ARC middleware can move files from their temporary output locations (where they were produced) to their final destination on a Storage Element and register them in the RLS without the need of external tools.

Dulcinea is built as a Python Module over the ARC User-Interface API. This allows us in a very simple way to reuse the brokering- and information-querying facilities of the ARC User-Interface in Dulcinea. Because of this, Dulcinea is quite robust and can easily recover from unexpected crashes if any.

Getting it to run

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Download Windmill from http://www-hep.uta.edu/windmill.
  2. Untar it and fix the known bugs: for Windmill 0.9.15, apply patch windmill-0.9.15-bugs.patch): tar xvzf windmill-0.9.15.tar.gz
    patch -p0 < windmill-0.9.15-bugs.patch
  3. Install GPT, Globus, nordugrid-client and nordugrid-devel (if you haven't done so already) from the NorduGrid downloads area. See ARC client installation instructions for details.
  4. Download the Dulcinea executor code from NorduGrid CVS
  5. Build it (edit Makefile if you have Globus, nordugrid-client, nordugrid-devel, libxml2 and Python headers at a non-standard locations): make
  6. Add the following line to windmill-x.x.x/launch_executor so that the ARC libraries are in the library search path: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$NORDUGRID_LOCATION/lib
  7. Create a symbolic link called dulcinea in the windmill-x.x.x directory to the Dulcinea executor directory: ln -s /my/path/dulcinea /my/path/windmill-x.x.x/dulcinea
  8. Create a Windmill configuration file windmill-x.x.x/data/windmill.xml (there are some example template files in the directory).
  9. To use the Dulcinea executor, specify in the configuration: <exetype>dulcinea</exetype>
  10. Adjust other parameters in the configuration to reasonable values... (a bit trial and error)
  11. Set the <oraconnection> in the configuration to the database where your jobs are defined (typically, ATLAS proddb), e.g: <oraconnection>atlas_prodsys/xxxxxxx@atlassg</oraconnection> where xxxxxxx is the database access password.
  12. Make sure you pick up your own jobs using <grid>, <implementation>, <uses> and/or <currentstate> tags, depending on how your jobs are defined in the database. (This is a bit vague, but it is a common problem for all the executors, so maybe there will be a common solution)
  13. Create a proxy: grid-proxy-init If you are going to submit jobs longer than 12 hours (most likely you do), add the corresponding proxy validity period using -valid HH:MM option, e.g. grid-proxy-init -valid 168:00
  14. Start the executor by running ./launch_executor in windmill-x.x.x
  15. Start the supervisor by running ./launch_supervisor in windmill-x.x.x

Operating ATLAS production

Under construction

Important things to know

  1. Beware of GACL. Most Storage Elements protect files via Grid Access Control Lists (GACL), which means that by default, only the executor owner can read files produced by the respective jobs. In order to make the files available for everybody, the executor uploads customized GACL-file to the outputs. The example .dulcineagacl file can be modified by removing, adding or editing <entry>...</entry> blocks, but remember always to keep the following entries: <entry>
    In case Dulcinea failed to upload GACL-file, or permissions have to be modified (e.g., a new authorised person be added), you can upload manually any GACL-file to the files for which you have admin privileges. This is done via ngacl set tool: ngacl set gsiftp://sepath/file < newgaclfile Unfortunatelly, there is no way to know who has administrative powers over which file, so you must somehow keep track of the files you created - for example, by keeping the list of job names, or finding corresponding files in the ATLAS Production Database. If you know file's logical name, you can find its location via ngls: ngls -L rls://gridsrv3.nbi.dk/you_files_logical_name
  2. Watch your proxy
  3. Look at Grid Manager logs
  4. Keep your certificate repository up-to-date

Details of interactions with the Windmill

Details of the Dulcinea interaction with Windmill:

Useful Windmill tips

Taken from the slides by Kaushik De