ATLAS Data on NorduGrid

ATLAS data produced on NorduGrid are stored in multiple locations across the Europe. These locations are registered in the Replica Location Service (RLS). To get the list of the storage elements that currently can accept ATLAS data for writing, do globus-rls-cli query lrc lfn __storage_service__ rls:// (for older production, like DC2, use port number 39282)

To check whether a dataset was produced on NorduGrid, visit the Production System dataset view at Enter a string from your dataset, and see in the "Grid" column where has it been produced, and in the "Completed" column - whether it is completed.

To get the list of file locations from RLS, run globus-rls-cli query wildcard lrc lfn '*your_dataset_string*' rls://

Fetch the files printed by the command above using globus-url-copy: globus-url-copy grid file:///home/myself/mydata/file.dat

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